AngularJS Tutorial - Part 0

I'm learning AngularJS and have decided to write down my experience with the journey so that it can help others like me who are new to AngularJS.

The project we are going to develop is a simple API documentation based on JSON. It'll have the following features

- A two pane layout based on Twitter Bootstrap . I'm going to use this example layout found on the getting started section.
- On the left side, there will be API names e.g Get Users, Update User etc
- On the right side, there will be API description including API url, parameters etc
- Clicking on a API name from left side will open the API details on the right side
- JSON files that will contain API names. Each API details will be stored in seperate JSON files.

Here is the Github link to the final project we are going to develop

Requirements before following the series:

- Familiar with HTML, CSS and how web applications work. I'm not going to explain how to use html tags or use CSS. Familiarity with Twitter-Bootstrap will be very useful.
- You should know what is AngularJS and why to use it. Things will be easier to grab for you if you've tried AngularJS and played a little with it.
- You must be familiar with Javascript. I'm not going to explain the Javascript codes

So, let's get started!

Next: Part 1


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